First Flush Carrot Extra Volume Kit
Increase the volume which your First Flush Carrot will divert up to 40L/10 Gal. It's perfect for larger catchment areas or locations with above roof pollutants. Simply untwist the Carrot housing to insert the new component.
Compact Design
Effective First Flush Diversion
Divert the right amount of water for your roof
Mise à niveau facile
Effective first flush diversion
The First Flush Carrot automatically measures and diverts the first flush of rainfall from your roof without requiring a traditional storage chamber. This first wash of the roof contains the most contaminants, meaning that you will end up with the best quality water in your rainwater tank.
Divert the right volume to give you great quality water
We've set the Extra Volume version of the Carrot up to divert around 40L/10 gal of water, but you can easily adjust it to suit your requirements. It just requires switching a few pieces out which we include in the kit. You can control how much first flush you want to divert, to give you the balance of water quality and quantity to suit your needs.
Effective first flush diversion
The First Flush Carrot automatically measures and diverts the first flush of rainfall from your roof without requiring a traditional storage chamber. This first wash of the roof contains the most contaminants, meaning that you will end up with the best quality water in your rainwater tank.
Divert the right volume to give you great quality water
We've set the Extra Volume version of the Carrot up to divert around 40L/10 gal of water, but you can easily adjust it to suit your requirements. It just requires switching a few pieces out which we include in the kit. You can control how much first flush you want to divert, to give you the balance of water quality and quantity to suit your needs.
Toutes les mesures sont en mm sauf indication contraire
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