Flanged Tank Overflow – Corro Tank (Straight Wall)
The flange provides an ample surface for sealant and fasteners, and the standard fitting matches with our range of mosquito proof screens and standard plumbing fittings.
Installation facile
Conforme à l'eau potable
Convient aux raccords standard
Installation facile
The corrugated flange design matches perfectly with straight wall of most corrugated steel tanks. They are designed to be used with sealant under the flange before being fastened to the tank.
UPVC construction means they can be easily painted and will last the test of time.
Convient aux raccords standard
Conçu pour s'adapter aux raccords de plomberie standard et aux écrans anti-moustiques Rain Harvesting.
Conforme à l'eau potable
Notre gamme de trop-pleins de réservoirs ondulés convient à une utilisation avec de l'eau potable et est conforme à la norme AS4020.
Installation facile
The corrugated flange design matches perfectly with straight wall of most corrugated steel tanks. They are designed to be used with sealant under the flange before being fastened to the tank.
UPVC construction means they can be easily painted and will last the test of time.
Convient aux raccords standard
Conçu pour s'adapter aux raccords de plomberie standard et aux écrans anti-moustiques Rain Harvesting.
Conforme à l'eau potable
Notre gamme de trop-pleins de réservoirs ondulés convient à une utilisation avec de l'eau potable et est conforme à la norme AS4020.
Toutes les mesures sont en mm sauf indication contraire
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Raccord de tuyau
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