Coup de pouce de premier rinçage
The First Flush Boost is a simple and effective upgrade for your First Flush Diverter, which increases its capacity by 20L/5gal without the hassle of creating a diversion chamber with PVC pipes. By incorporating the First Flush Boost, you can enhance the diversion efficiency of your system and prevent dirty water from entering your tank.
Add to any Rain Harvesting First Flush Diverter
More First Flush with less space
Expandable design
Cela fonctionne automatiquement
Compact Diversion
The compact chamber means you don't need to create a chamber from PVC pipe. We've given you 20L/5gal of first flush diversion right out of the box. It means you can upgrade your system and get better quality water sooner.
Expandable design
If you want more than 20L/5 gal of first flush diversion, simply add a Boost Expansion Kit to increase your diversion volume. The kits will increase your volume in 20L increments, and we recommend going up to 60L total stored volume per First Flush Boost system.
Cela fonctionne automatiquement
The integrated switch directs the first 20L (5 Gal) of dirty water to the Boost chamber before automatically switching to direct clean water to your collection vessel.
Compact Diversion
The compact chamber means you don't need to create a chamber from PVC pipe. We've given you 20L/5gal of first flush diversion right out of the box. It means you can upgrade your system and get better quality water sooner.
Expandable design
If you want more than 20L/5 gal of first flush diversion, simply add a Boost Expansion Kit to increase your diversion volume. The kits will increase your volume in 20L increments, and we recommend going up to 60L total stored volume per First Flush Boost system.
Cela fonctionne automatiquement
The integrated switch directs the first 20L (5 Gal) of dirty water to the Boost chamber before automatically switching to direct clean water to your collection vessel.
Installation, maintenance et informations sur le produit
Toutes les mesures sont en mm sauf indication contraire
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Calculatrice de premier tirage
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Service de conception
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Manuel de récolte de pluie
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Service de conception
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