Leaf Eater® Slimline
A sleek, enclosed rain head which prevents splashing - perfect for installing in any narrow location. The splash-free design ensures you catch every drop, while the removable cartridge allows you to periodically clean the filter so that it's always running at its best.
Attrapez chaque goutte
Arrêtez d'éclabousser
Entretien facile
Une eau de pluie plus propre
Éloignez les moustiques
La conception mince s'adapte n'importe où
Attrapez chaque goutte
The enclosed mesh screen completely stops splashing from the rain head, ensuring you catch every drop. It also means no water or leaves bounce off the screen, which keeps surrounding areas neat.
Entretien facile
If the rain head becomes full of leaves, the overflow port can open - this provides an escape for water and leaves and also reveals the maintenance indicator. Simply slide out the cartridge and backwash it to keen ot running at it's best.
Capturer une eau plus propre
Le tamis à mailles en acier inoxydable de 955 microns (0,955 mm) empêche les feuilles, les moustiques et autres parasites de pénétrer dans vos tuyaux de descente et votre système d'eau de pluie. C'est une étape fondamentale dans la purification de votre eau pour vous offrir la meilleure alimentation en eau de pluie possible.
La conception mince s'adapte n'importe où
The Leaf Eater® Slimline was originally designed with installation onto tight spaces in mind. The result is a rain head which can be mounted on posts without overhanging, or installed on any wall while blending seamlessly into the building.
Don't be fooled by this compact rain head though, it packs a punch when it comes to flow rate - the enclosed design ensures all the water is forced through the mesh screen towards your tank.
Attrapez chaque goutte
The enclosed mesh screen completely stops splashing from the rain head, ensuring you catch every drop. It also means no water or leaves bounce off the screen, which keeps surrounding areas neat.
Entretien facile
If the rain head becomes full of leaves, the overflow port can open - this provides an escape for water and leaves and also reveals the maintenance indicator. Simply slide out the cartridge and backwash it to keen ot running at it's best.
Capturer une eau plus propre
Le tamis à mailles en acier inoxydable de 955 microns (0,955 mm) empêche les feuilles, les moustiques et autres parasites de pénétrer dans vos tuyaux de descente et votre système d'eau de pluie. C'est une étape fondamentale dans la purification de votre eau pour vous offrir la meilleure alimentation en eau de pluie possible.
La conception mince s'adapte n'importe où
The Leaf Eater® Slimline was originally designed with installation onto tight spaces in mind. The result is a rain head which can be mounted on posts without overhanging, or installed on any wall while blending seamlessly into the building.
Don't be fooled by this compact rain head though, it packs a punch when it comes to flow rate - the enclosed design ensures all the water is forced through the mesh screen towards your tank.
Installation, maintenance et informations sur le produit
Toutes les mesures sont en mm sauf indication contraire
Cliquez sur le dessin pour le voir en taille réelle
Raccord de tuyau

Manuel de récolte de pluie
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