National Guidelines for the Use of Rainwater Tanks
In 2004, the enHealth Council developed updated national guidelines for the use of domestic rainwater tanks in both rural and urban Australia. The guidelines were updated in response to an increased interest in rainwater tanks thanks to widespread drought...
Plastic – Polyethylene Water Tanks
Poly water tanks are a high quality, durable product. They are available in a wide range of sizes and shapes to suit your needs. We offer poly tanks with different capacities and dimensions to meet your requirements. Our poly water tanks are made of quality materials...
Choosing the Ideal Rainwater Tank Size for You
No matter how strong your rain dance game is, you probably can’t control the rain. However, one of the best ways to avoid running out of rainwater is to design your Rain Harvesting system to harvest the volumes of water you need. And that means choosing the ideal...
Calculating Your Average Rainfall & Ideal Tank Size
There are many factors you need to consider when choosing your tank size. These factors include how much water you typically use around your property, the size of your roof and whether you will be relying solely on rainwater for your water needs. But before you...