Shark Cage for Maelstrom® Original
The Shark Cage for Maelstrom® Original delivers massive amounts of water to your tank. The single skin Shark Cage uses super-fine filtration to block leaves and debris, keeping your water clean.
The Shark Cage Filter is the step up from the Maelstrom® Original's plastic filter– it’s incredibly easy to clean and handles higher flow rates of water – which means more water in your tank.
Installation is as simple as lifting out the plastic filter and dropping in the new Shark Cage.
अधिकतम दक्षता
अल्ट्रा फाइन निस्पंदन
न्यूनतम रखरखाव
स्टेनलेस स्टील केज
आसान अपग्रेड
उच्च जलग्रहण
The Maelstrom® with Shark Cage Filter delivers large volumes of clean rainwater to your tank, giving you unrivalled performance and rainwater catchment. By preventing leaves, debris and other unwanted materials from entering your rainwater system, water can move through your downpipes faster, more freely and without blockages. With less inhibitors in your system, you will capture more rainwater.
अति सूक्ष्म वर्षा जल निस्पंदन
The Maelstrom® with Shark Cage Filter will filter rainwater to 180 microns to deliver high-quality, clean water directly to your storage tank, making it ready for use. The unrivalled, super-fine filtration of the Maelstrom® with Shark Cage Filter provides you with the comfort and peace of mind in knowing that your rainwater catchments will be receiving superb filtration to prevent unwanted particles and matter from entering your system.
संभालने में आसान
The Maelstrom® with Shark Cage Filter can be very quickly and easily cleaned, reducing overall maintenance and helping to keep your system intact. The single skin, stainless steel mesh filter can be easily removed for fast cleaning, keeping leaves and debris out of your system entirely. Easily reattached when cleaning is complete, your system will stay working as required and deliver you plenty of clean rainwater.
उच्च जलग्रहण
The Maelstrom® with Shark Cage Filter delivers large volumes of clean rainwater to your tank, giving you unrivalled performance and rainwater catchment. By preventing leaves, debris and other unwanted materials from entering your rainwater system, water can move through your downpipes faster, more freely and without blockages. With less inhibitors in your system, you will capture more rainwater.
अति सूक्ष्म वर्षा जल निस्पंदन
The Maelstrom® with Shark Cage Filter will filter rainwater to 180 microns to deliver high-quality, clean water directly to your storage tank, making it ready for use. The unrivalled, super-fine filtration of the Maelstrom® with Shark Cage Filter provides you with the comfort and peace of mind in knowing that your rainwater catchments will be receiving superb filtration to prevent unwanted particles and matter from entering your system.
संभालने में आसान
The Maelstrom® with Shark Cage Filter can be very quickly and easily cleaned, reducing overall maintenance and helping to keep your system intact. The single skin, stainless steel mesh filter can be easily removed for fast cleaning, keeping leaves and debris out of your system entirely. Easily reattached when cleaning is complete, your system will stay working as required and deliver you plenty of clean rainwater.
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किसी और चीज को ढूंढ रहे हैं?
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रेन हार्वेस्टिंग हैंडबुक
एक गाइड जो आपको आज वर्षा जल संचयन यात्रा शुरू करने के लिए सहायता और प्रेरणा प्रदान करेगी।
डिजाइन सेवा
अपने मौजूदा रेन हार्वेस्टिंग सिस्टम में सुधार करें या हमारे विशेषज्ञों और हमारी मुफ़्त सिस्टम डिज़ाइन सेवा की मदद से एक नया डिज़ाइन करें।
पहला फ्लश कैलकुलेटर
आसानी से गणना करें कि आपको कितना पानी डायवर्ट करने की आवश्यकता है और पता करें कि कौन सा पहला फ्लश डायवर्टर आपके लिए सही है।
डिजाइन सेवा
अपने मौजूदा रेन हार्वेस्टिंग सिस्टम में सुधार करें या हमारे विशेषज्ञों और हमारी मुफ़्त सिस्टम डिज़ाइन सेवा की मदद से एक नया डिज़ाइन करें।